The Jacket Society

Join The Closet, we promise to send only good things. xoxo

    Common FAQ’s

    Is the Jacket Society available to purchase in-store?

    Unfortunately no, we are a boutique label, selling online only and shipping from Sydney, Australia.

    I want to receive your updates on new products and sales, how do I sign up?

    You can sign up for our mailing list in the screen pop-up or by going back to the home page and entering details for The Closet.

    What payment options do you have?

    We accept PayPal and most credit cards.  For Australian customers, we offer AfterPay & ZipPay also.

    What is AfterPay & ZipPay?

    These are Australian payment methods.  Buy now, pay later.  Please read about each product via the footer menu.

    Will I have to pay duties and taxes on my order?

    Depending on your destination country, you may be required to pay duties ad taxes on your order.  This is determined and applied by your local customs.  Any additional duties, foreign taxes, or other fees must be paid by the customer.  Please get in touch with your local customs office fur further information regarding duties and taxes.

    How do I know my order was placed successfully?

    As soon as your order has been placed, you will receive an order confirmation email to the nominated email address attached to your order.  If you have not received any confirmation emails, please contact us at

    I’ve received a faulty item, what do I do?

    Whoops, although we hope this never happens, if you have received an item from this website with a defect, please contact us and we will organise a solution as soon as possible.

    How long will it take to get my order?

    Please review Our Shipping details from the drop-down menu on the Home page.  This includes shipping options including estimate time frames.  Feel free to get in touch if you have further questions regarding delivery times and tracking.

    How do I track my order?

    Once your order has been dispatched, you will receive a confirmation email with tracking information so you can keep a close eye on the delivery date.

    Do you ship internationally?

    Yes, absolutely!  For information please review Our Shipping details from the drop-down menu on the Home Page.

    Contact Details

    • For all general inquiries please don’t hesitate in contacting us.
    • Phone: +61 416 001 239
    • Email:
    • Hours: Always open! (but mostly 9.00am – 10.00pm 7 days)